Our Story

This is Karen and Eric's story...and the original song that inspired their custom song-writing business: Special Love Songs!

Special Love Songs creators, Karen and Eric Seiz, have been performing music together since the day they met. Eric's band was performing at a restaurant where Karen was attending a bachelorette party. The two were introduced and after learning that Karen was a vocalist, Eric asked her to come up and sing a song...you could say it was instant chemistry! The musical couple has since then collaborated and performed at weddings, cocktail hours and various events.

About a year into their relationship, Eric wrote a song for Karen, documenting how they met and fell in love. On their 2nd anniversary, Eric surprised Karen with a private performance of his heartfelt, yet comical 'Special Love Song.'

Photo of Karen and Eric at their weddingEric proposed to Karen two years later and captured the proposal on video. He then recorded a full arrangement of his 'Special Love Song.' Eric took pictures and video footage of significant places and events from their relationship, as well as the proposal, and created a music video for their song. The couple revealed the video at their wedding reception just before their entrance as husband and wife...

...needless to say, it was a huge hit!

Eric had a blast writing and recording Karen's song, but he had no idea how much his special gift really meant to her. To this day, both sides of the family can't stop talking about it and Karen's mother still cries every time she hears the song.

The response to their song was overwhelming and they soon began to wonder, "Who wouldn't want their own musical story created?" Realizing their creative chemistry and passion, the two teamed up to make their songwriting services available to others, resulting in the formation of Special Love Songs, LLC.

Please contact Karen and Eric if you would like to turn your story into your Special Love Song!